Part 33: The birthplace of the Gods
Part XXXIII: The birthplace of the Gods
One last thing to do before going to Al-Akia: investigating the monastery the healer told us about back when we first arrived at Maadoran.

This feels like the time we had to rescue a noble from bandits back in Teron.

Yep, I'm pretty awesome.

Okay, let's cut to the chase.

Another fight? Yawn.

Sounds like these people have a nice setup.

Me, for one.


There's little to do in the village. Most of the people have only "Thanks for saving us," or "Talk to the Elder," or "The vault is off-limits," dialogue. The Elder himself has nothing else to say and can only sell us reagents. One of the few who can actually converse with us is the guy in white.

Hell, let's talk to him.

Ugh, zoomers.

Very interesting. This was a medical facility.

Given everything we've seen so far, I don't think these warnings are exaggerated.


Yeah, I don't think so.

This fellow with the crossbow is the only other person we can talk to.

Here's the entrance to the vault.

Wait, really? That worked? Huh.

Nothing here save for an elevator.

Big place.

There's also a strongbox containing the Extract of Amaranthus, but we don't want it. I'll explain in a moment.


We've been on the other side of this door -- the portal in the well led there. It's where we found the sarcophagus that increased our stats.
If we leave at this point, the Elder confronts us and kicks us out of the village, even if we don't take anything. If we took the Extract, we'd be forced to either hand it over or kill all the villagers. Giving the Extract to the healer rewards us with the Regeneration Potion, which gives us +1 hp per turn in combat, but we permanently lose 5 hp. Essentially, it's like the Power Armor's hidden fourth mode, but worse, so forget it. Let's reload a save and get out of here.

That's our good deed for the day.
Enough faffing around.

Don't do that!

By the way, the only way you'll see the inside of Al-Akia is if you team up with Meru.

Time to find the ritual chamber. But first, let's chat.

Meru's intentions seem good, but there is that proverb about the road to Hell.

Thanks, Antidas. Fucker.

Oh boy, a bunch of tanks and esoteric machines.

I don't think so.
There are several places where we can go downstairs, but most are dead ends. There's a door across from the entrance that leads to where we want to go.

Looks like the living quarters.

These are Abu Hassan's notes. He certainly was arrogant.

"Won" being a relative term.

I think we can assume it's safe.

Hang on -- the legends say Abu Hassan crafted something that would allow him to visit other planes. Could this be it?

The game didn't show this, but this whole complex is housed inside a pyramid buried in sand.

Abu Hassan was not a popular guy.

Too bad we don't find out his reaction to the Gods breaking free and annihilating everything.
To proceed, we need to use the staircase near the glass columns.

Soundtrack: The Ritual
The music changes to something more sinister.

A Lore of 9 is necessary to perform the ritual. Sabotaging it is probably the smart thing to do, but I want to see what happens.

jesus tapdancing christ


oh fuck no
Spoilers: it's Balzaar. You know, Chief of the Demons, the one crippled by Abu Hassan?


Soundtrack: Combat III
Balzaar/Fake Meru is actually a pushover. After all, he's just been transferred into a new body and is still weak. If he was at full power... well, try not to think about it.

Surprisingly, I agree with Faelan.

Nothing else here. Let's gtfo.

Our final mission: find the temple. There's one last thing to do before I end the update.

We're back at the Arch. Let's hope this armor works.

Next Time: Goonius Christ